Primary recruitment

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I sign up for primary recruitment?

Primary recruitment isn’t currently available to sign up for, but as soon as registration is open, the link will be in the recruitment tab in the navigation under primary recruitment, here on this page, and throughout the Panhellenic socials, including Instagram (@uwpanhellenic).

What is the Primary Recruitment process like? What can I expect?

Primary Recruitment is a long but rewarding process where you will meet and get to know the 17 participating Panhellenic sororities at the UW and a variety of members in each chapter. This is the only opportunity to meet these 17 chapters all at once! It is a mutual selection process, meaning that this is the time that you narrow down your options of what sorority you will join at the end of the week, and chapters invite back potential members they would like to see each round. As the week goes on, you will get to know more about the aspects of each sorority you are visiting. All rounds will be held in person.

Community Round: This is spread over two days where you will get to meet every single chapter. Each event is 30 minutes and during this time you will get to meet with anywhere from one to four members of that chapter.

Philanthropy: This round is over two days where you will get to meet a maximum of 12 chapters. Each event will also be 30 minutes and you will get to know more about the chapter and their philanthropy.

Membership: During membership you will get to meet up to 7 chapters and each event is 40 minutes long. During this event you will get more information on the membership of those chapters, their finances, and this is when you will get a tour of housed chapter’s facilities.

Preference: Preference round is an hour long and you will meet with two chapters. Since this is the final round this is a great time to ask any last questions about the chapter before making any final decisions.

What does the primary recruitment schedule look like?

Click here for an idea of the timing of recruitment and an explanation of how long each round is. All rounds will be held in person this year.

What does primary recruitment COST?

There is a $60 registration fee for Primary Recruitment which is non-refundable.

What do I wear during recruitment?

Recruitment is a great time for you to show off your style! Please do not feel restricted in what you can wear, this is all just a recommendation.

COMMUNITY: For this round, we'll give you a shirt to wear for both days (please note this shirt cannot be altered in any way - cropped, haltered, etc) You can pair it with any bottoms you like, although since there is a lot of walking we recommend comfortable shoes.

PHILANTHROPY: This round is still casual in nature. Feel free to wear what you feel comfortable in as this round is also two days and includes a lot of walking. Active members will be wearing t-shirts.

MEMBERSHIP: This round is a little more formal - active members will be wearing dresses, rompers, matching sets, or nicer pants with blouses. This is the perfect opportunity to show off your style.

PREFERENCE: This is the most formal round. Actives will be wearing dresses, rompers, and jumpsuits.

This is all just a guideline from what people have worn in the past! Please do not feel pressured to go buy a whole new wardrobe - we want to see your own personal sense of style!

Click Here to check out the pinterest board we put together for PNMs. All of this is just a recommendation to give you an idea of what the round looks like.


Primary recruitment gives you the chance to meet every participating Panhellenic organization, starting with visiting all 17 chapters and narrowing down your choices from there. After each recruitment round you will have the chance to prioritize the chapters that you attended. Those priorities will be matched to the invitations that you receive from the sororities in your order of preference to build your schedule for the next round. You are not able to visit a sorority where you are not invited.

Can I participate in Primary Recruitment if I’m not a freshman? Do I have the same chance to receive a bid?

While most people who participate in recruitment are first year (freshmen) students, upper class students are welcome to participate as well. UW utilizes a secondary quota system to help give upper class students the best opportunity to be placed, and your chances are not leveled against freshmen.

What are the benefits of participating in Primary Recruitment as opposed to Continuous Open Bidding?

Primary Recruitment in the fall is the only opportunity to visit the majority of organizations within the Panhellenic Community. It is a more structured process and provides a safe, supportive environment. Continuous Open Bidding is not a guaranteed or structured process, and we cannot speak to how many chapters will be participating following Primary Recruitment.


I already have a roommate and want to live in a residence hall on campus... do I HAVE to live in my sorority during my first year in college? ​

You will be expected to move into your new sorority and exceptions are only granted in rare circumstances from individual house corporations after you join. Additionally, for first-year or transfer students, who register for Primary Recruitment, your contract with HFS for the school year will be canceled. If you join through COB, chapters will still want members to move in at their earliest opportunity. Another exception is if you are a first year joining an unhoused chapter, you will be able to live in the residence halls with the rest of your new member class.

Is there a required GPA to go through recruitment?

​The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) does not allow individual collegiate Panhellenic’s to set a minimum GPA for potential members to participate in Recruitment. Individual chapters do have GPA requirements for membership, and these depend on each organization. 

Do I have to visit all participating chapters for Primary Recruitment?

Yes. In order to participate in Primary Recruitment you must participate actively with all chapters. This includes attending all of the events that you are invited to. Fully participating in the recruitment events gives you the best opportunity to get to know the chapters and a variety of their members in order to make the most informed membership choice, and skipping out on events looks poorly on your character.


Am I guaranteed to receive a bid through Primary Recruitment? Do I have to accept a bid if I receive one?

Receiving a bid is not guaranteed in primary recruitment but our campus typically has a high placement rate. If you have been invited back to chapters until preference round and attend your preference events as well as maximize your options, meaning that you list all the chapters whose events you attended during preference on your Membership Recruitment Binding Agreement (MRABA), you will receive a bid on bid day. You do not have to accept a bid on bid day, although we hope by the end of recruitment you will be excited to receive a bid from the chapters that you listed on your Membership Recruitment Acceptance Binding Agreement the night before. If you choose not to accept your bid you will not be able to join another NPC sorority at the University of Washington until the following primary recruitment.


What happens if I decide to withdraw during Recruitment?

Going through the recruitment process does not obligate you to join a sorority. If at any point during recruitment you decide that sorority membership is not what you are looking for, then you may withdraw from the process. To do so, you must notify the campus Panhellenic or your Recruitment Counselor and fill out a simple withdrawal form. Once you withdraw from recruitment you will be eligible to join through the Continuous Open Bidding process if you would like during the year if you have not signed an MRABA.  

In regards to housing, you will be guaranteed a spot in campus housing, as long as you are a first year or transfer student, likely starting in a temporary space, and then being moved to a permanent placement, as long as you participate in the first full recruitment round (September 8 and 9). To secure your space on campus, you will need to fill out a housing application with Housing & Food Services after withdrawing. More information will be provided about this process upon your withdrawal.

What is a Recruitment Counselor?

A recruitment counselor (RC) is a member of a Panhellenic sorority on campus that serves on our recruitment staff to provide you support and help facilitate the process of recruitment. These members disaffiliate from their sorority to provide you an unbiased look at our Panhellenic community. You will be placed in an RC group with three to four Recruitment Counselors who will help to answer your questions, be a confidant, serve as a sounding board, or whatever else you might need during the week. They are an excellent resource for you as you go through recruitment.

If I join a certain sorority and feel that it is not the best fit for me, can I quit and rejoin another sorority?

If you quit your sorority before you are initiated, you are eligible to join another sorority at UW or any other campus. You will have to wait to pursue membership in another organization until the primary recruitment period on that campus, typically in the fall. If you choose to quit your sorority after you are initiated, you will not be able to join another sorority at the UW or any other campus. 


Do I have to live on-campus for Primary Recruitment?

It is not required to live on campus for Primary Recruitment however many individuals choose to do so. It is a great option, even if you live nearby, so you can meet other individuals participating in Primary Recruitment. If you would like to stay on campus for recruitment, you would arrive September 5. Move in times are in the afternoon. Click the link here to sign up for on campus housing.

If you would like to stay on campus during recruitment, you can bring all of your things with you that you will need for fall quarter to move to your new living location as soon as primary recruitment ends. 

Information will be emailed out to those already registered for recruitment and included in the confirmation email for those who register after it becomes available. If you want an on-campus space for recruitment you register separately from your recruitment registration


Is food provided during recruitment?

A meal stipend will be included with on campus living during recruitment which can be used at the District Market, provides grab-and-go meals/snacks, and dining halls. Many people choose to get food off campus from restaurants on University Avenue or University Village as well. 


Do I need letters of recommendation for Primary Recruitment? Does being a legacy guarantee a bid?

​The University of Washington Panhellenic Association does not consider letters of recommendation or legacy status in the recruitment process and it will not alter your ability to receive a bid. If you have further questions please look through this document or contact the individual chapters.


Can I do recruitment over the summer?

The earliest that you can participate in Panhellenic Recruitment would be the first day of Primary Recruitment. Panhellenic sororities do not hold recruitment events during the summer and should only be promoting Panhellenic recruitment during that time. 


What should I bring during recruitment and living in a chapter house?

Check out our packing list Here.