The Panhellenic Leadership Council provides new members a space to create relationships outside of their chapters, work on personal and professional development, and make a positive impact on the community. With the provided opportunities to engage in ASUW Senate, plan community wide sisterhood events, support local philanthropies, and attend talks from community speakers. PLC delegates are given the opportunity to better their community, their relationships, and themselves.

To learn more about PLC, contact Lorelei Cassman at

PAnhellenic Leadership COuncil

The Panhellenic Leadership Council (PLC) is a group of inspired and driven individuals in their first year of Panhellenic membership. The council consists of two delegates from each of the 18 chapters and works to instill unity in all Panhellenic new members. Being a part of PLC offers delegates the opportunity to meet individuals in other chapters, represent their new member classes, foster leadership skills, and learn about future involvement opportunities with Panhellenic and the University of Washington.