Sigma Kappa
Mu chapter

Our Sigma Kappa ladies have been thriving at the University of Washington for over a century now. We are passionate, driven women who do a ton of amazing things on and off campus, all the while forging friendships that will last a lifetime. Our chapter is comprised of a diverse group of young women who encourage each other to be the best versions of ourselves, and support one another every step of the way. Each woman offers her own unique contributions to our chapter, but we all come together to form an amazing sisterhood.
0 Sam’s Law Violations in the past 5 years. For more information on Sam’s Law click here.
MOTTO: One heart, one way
NATIONALLY FOUNDED: November 9, 1874
FOUNDED AT UW: April 29, 1910
COLORS: Maroon and lavender
FLOWER: Wild Purple Violet
PHILANTHROPY: (S)igma Kappa Foundation, (I)nherit the Earth, (G)erontology, (M)aine Sea Coast Mission, (A)lzheimers Disease Research
NOTABLE ALUMNI: Nina Davuluri, Susan Eisenhower